
These are the questions that are often asked by your users. You can configure FAQs with multiple question variations to accommodate for human variation. To view/add an FAQ you can go to chat flow and select FAQ.

There are three steps involved in creating an FAQ 

  1. Add a question variation - You can add as many variations of a question as you may deem necessary.

  2. Add an answer - Add an answer to the question. You can add a send message node in the answer to FAQs. This allows you to add text, image/video/fille, audio, location, and contact in the answer.

  3. Name the FAQ - Provide a name to the FAQ which would help to track the same.

1.1 Trigger an FAQ

The bot tries to match the user's responses with the starting rules for every conversation module and FAQ. The platform utilizes Google based NLP and matches the user's intent with the question variations for each FAQ. Whenever the bot finds a match, the FAQ is triggered and the user's response is stored in the memory for future matching.

After a FAQ is triggered, it is important to maintain the context of the bot, hence the bot brings the returns to the conversation block/module that was shared before the FAQ was triggered.