1. Introduction

Using send message node you can make your bot provide an amazing experience to your users. You can send text, collect information, send image/audio/video you can add emojis, and much more. 


2.1 Send Text message

 You can send text messages using this block. You can use Emoticons and Properties to make your text message more interactive and personalized. Properties would allow you to use relevant dynamic information. To add a property you need to begin with two curly brackets ‘{{‘. From the drop-down menu, you can select the required property


2.2 Media ( Image, Video, file)

To make your conversation more interesting and to facilitate bot users with relevant image, video or file you can share any file of size upto 25 MB. The accepted file formats are  .png, .jpeg, .jpg, .mp4, .avi, .pdf, .docx, .txt. You can upload files from your system by clicking on the Browse button or you can also upload using a URL. A bot builder can also add a caption to the files.



2.3 Audio

You can add audio files in your bot which would be received by the bot user. Bot builders can leverage this feature to make the user’s experience more immersive and interesting. You can upload the audio file in MP3 format only, of maximum size 25 MB. You can not add a caption to audio files since this is not supported on the WhatsApp Platform.


2.4 Location

You can now share location details with your bot user. This becomes an important feature when you want to direct your users to a significant location. You can add latitude and longitude along with the name and address of the location.


2.5 Contact

You can add a contact card with detailed information. This can be viewed in WhatsApp and can be stored directly in bot user's phones. 


3. Handle Replies

This section covers how to handle when your user replies. The chat flow will wait for a user's reply if you select Wait for Reply option.

3.1 Validate Reply

You can place a check on the reply given by the user and prompt to re-enter the value if it doesn't meet the validation criteria. 

The following are the validations that you can select

Free Text This allows user to enter any text can be alphanumeric and can also include symbols
NumberThis checks for numeric content. When this validation is in place only numeric input is considered as valid.
EmailThis checks for a valid email address In the format alpha@beta.com
DateThis is the validation check when the input is restricted to date for example when you want the user to provide Date of birth
URL In this validation check a valid input is a website URL example: www.morph.ai
This validation checks if a user is providing a valid phone number. The validation is based on the number of digits.
Image  Checks if provided input is an image file
VideoChecks if provided input is a video file
AudioChecks if provided input is an audio file
Other filesYou can upload any file other than audio/Image/Video
All Files This allows the user to add any type of file he/she wants to upload 
LocationThis allows the user to upload location information.

Limit Replies: You can provide specific words separated by a comma. Only these words will be considered as valid replies. This validation is case sensitive.

3.2 Handle Invalid Replies

This functionality handles replies marked as invalid by validation checks. 

Match other conversations:  User's reply will be matched with the starting keyword of other conversations. If a valid match is found that conversation will be triggered. 

Allow user to Skip Message: User can skip the question/query for which a reply is requested 

Error Threshold: You can set how many times can the bot user enter invalid inputs 

3.3 Store Reply

Every time a user replies it is stored temporarily in {{CurrentMessage}} property. This gets replaced with new text when the next reply is received. You can store a reply in a property if you want to use/Access that information later.
Skip this message if property already has a value: You get an option to skip the message if the assigned property already has a value. For example, if you are asking the user for his age and the property already has the user's age this message can be skipped. 

3.4 Custom Error Message

This is displayed to the user in case there is an invalid output or error threshold is breached