1. Introduction 

A conversation is a pre-defined logical flow of a bot. Conversations allow bot builders to build multiple complex use cases with a combination of different blocks. 


2. Components of a conversation

The conversation is made up of blocks that provide functionality and rules that provide continuity to the conversation. There are some system-defined conversations and custom conversations that we create. A conversation consists of

I.  Starting rule

This defines when will the conversation be triggered. There are two options to trigger the conversation. 

Automatic: Define the keyword which will trigger this rule. When the user uses the specified keyword it would trigger this conversation.

Manual: This is when a bot builder manually jumps the chat flow from one conversation to another. The bot user has no control in triggering this conversation.

II.  Blocks

Blocks add functionality to a conversation and can be removed or added as per the use case. You can get detailed information on blocks in section 4

III. Branches 

Morph Platform provides functionality to build user-driven conversations. This can be done by creating branches based on user input or position in the chat flow.



You can set conditions when to trigger a particular branch. This can be managed by using properties. Filters applied on properties are predefined as exists, does not exist, Skipped not skipped.

IV. Jump conversation

This is the manual way to trigger a conversation from another conversation. Select the campaign you are working on and then select the relevant conversation.



3. Different types of conversations

There are some defined sets of rules that can not be changed which are also known as system rules/conversations.

3.1.1 Getting started

This is a system rule that gets triggered first. No matter what flow you design first rule will always be getting started. You can change the content of this conversation i.e you can modify the actions performed in this conversation but you can not rename it.


3.1.2 Fallback

The system triggers a default response known as Fallback when it encounters a situation or response that is not handled in the conversation flow. This is also a system rule and its name can not be modified. You can still modify the chat flow in this conversation. 

3.1.3 Restart

This is a system-defined rule which can be used to restart the conversation. The rule when triggered clears the session properties and takes the conversation flow back to the beginning. Since this is a system rule you can not modify the name. Since this rule has a limited and specified functionality you can not modify it by adding or removing a block.


3.2 Custom conversations 

These are conversations that we create for our use case. These conversations can be modified, customized, and deleted as per requirement. You can add and remove a block, add branches, and trigger other conversations. These types of conversations can be named/renamed.