
Using Nurture you can send notifications on WhatsApp. This documentation helps you set up and use 'Nurture'.

Please make sure you have gone through the Sending Notifications Guide before reading this document any further. 

WhatsApp Concepts/Guidelines

There are multiple ways you can send notifications to your users on WhatsApp. Before diving deep into that, let's first understand the WhatsApp notification guidelines.

WhatsApp has categorized outbound (brand-to-user) messages/notifications into two major types:

  1. Session: Any message which is sent within 24 hours from the user's last message.
  2. Post Session: Any message which is sent after 24 hrs from the user's last message.

You can send both types of notifications using the Nurture tab. There are a lot of differences between the two message types. Please make sure you read this document explaining the two messages types in detail before coninuing further.


Sending Notification

There are three different ways you can send notifications: 

  • Announce: Send or schedule a notification for a specific segment. This can be used to send bulk alerts, announcements, news or updates.
  • APIs: Integrate your business tool/CRM to send a notification. This can be used to send a notification based on any event/transaction in your business app/store.
  • Rules: Defines rules to send notifications. This can be used to send automated followup or periodic updates.

To send notifications you must first create Notification Templates. Some example templates are already created for your WhatsApp sandbox/trial number.

Next Steps

  1. Notification Templates
  2. Announce
  3. APIs
  4. Rules: Rules are currently in private beta. Will be publicly launched soon.