1. Introduction

Using WhatsApp Business APIs, it is possible to send notifications on WhatsApp. Just like you send SMS. This can greatly help businesses to get their voice heard, as WhatsApp notifications get mind-blogging open rates. Customers also prefer to use WhatsApp instead of SMS.


WhatsApp notifications can be used for many different requirements like

  • Account Update: Notify the user about updates or changes to their accounts.
  • Shipping Update: Notify the user of a change in shipping status for a purchased product.
  • Issue Resolution: Notify the user of an update to an issue that was initially reported on the chat.

and many more. To know more about the different ways to use notification, please click here.

2. Functionality

Morph.ai provides all the tools you will need to start using WhatsApp Notifications for your business. Some of the features you get are:

  • Notification Templates: Create, preview and manage your notification templates which you can re-use.
  • Announcement: Send or schedule a notification to a specific segment.
  • APIs: Integrate your business tool/CRM to send a notification based on any event/transaction in your business app/store.
  • Rules: Defines rules to send notifications.

A list of all the features can be found here.

3. Access

Just go to Nurture in the left panel:


4. Let's try out Notifications

We will use the WhatsApp sandbox/trial account to send some notifications. Please follow the below steps:

  1. Login to Morph.ai platform/app and Go to Nurture > Announce.
  2. Click on the 'Create New Announcement' button in the top-right corner.
  3. Choose the 'WhatsApp Post session message'.
  4. Enter the name - 'My First Notification'
  5. In the 'Target Audience' section, for 'Page' dropdown select 'WhatsApp Sandbox' and for 'Segment' dropdown select 'All'.
  6. In the 'Compose a message' section, choose the 'alert_update' template.

5. Next Steps

Now after understanding the basics of notifications, you can start building your notification use-cases using Nurture. To know more about setting up your use-case, please go to Nurture documentation.