Please proofread your template according to the below-mentioned formatting rules before submitting it to WhatsApp. 

Spelling & Grammer

Cross-check for spelling mistakes and grammatical issues. Messages with spelling and grammatical issues can be considered spam messages and thus impact your relationship with your customer. 

Variable and Parameters

Make sure you use variables and parameters to accommodate valid information. The important part to check here is the correct formatting and use of curly brackets. Double-check the number of curly brackets. 

Correct: Dear {{1}} your ticket number {{2}} is booked 

Incorrect: Dear {{1}} your ticket number {{2} is booked

                  Dear {{1}{ your ticket number {{2}} is booked


Make sure the language selected by you matches the content of the message template. If the language selected is german then your message template should be in German only not a mix of German and English. A combination of languages is not allowed. 

Test Template

If you want to submit a template to test your API connection then please adhere to the format 

Message Template Name: test 
Content: Hello {{1}}


The use of URL shorteners is not recommended since they obscure the intended link destination. The URL domain in your links should belong to your business.