Introduction provides simple and easy to use REST-like APIs to send a message, update customer, etc. These APIs will let you easily integrate with your business tool/CRM.

General Information

  • Host/Base Url: APIs have the following host/base URL:
  • Request/Response Format: The API accepts JSON in request bodies and requires that the content-type: application/json header to be specified for all such requests. The API will always respond with a JSON object.
  • CORS: The API also facilitates cross-origin resource sharing so that it can be called from a web application.
  • Ping: The API also supports a special ping endpoint to check whether the API is up & running or not:


Each API request requires authentication to identify the client that is responsible for making the request. Authentication is provided through passing an access token in the Authorization header. For example:

  Authorization: YOUR-ACCESS-TOKEN

You can find the access token for your account here (Nurture>API).

Status Codes

200For all the successful requests
401When the Authorization header is missing or the provided token is wrong
400Something malformed in your header or request body
404The requested path is not found
500In case of any unexpected error. Contact support with the RefId provided in the error response.